The 21/90 Rule (with flowchart)
The 21/90 Rule
What Separates Success From Failure
I’ve been doing CrossFit for quite some time now, and like everyone else, I have experienced fluctuations
in my level of motivation to work out and eat well. But one thing is for sure, I am a better man today
because of this sport, than I was before. It has developed in me a dedication to a healthy lifestyle that I
never had before. All of this would not be possible if I did not develop consistency in my daily routine. I
believe that all lives are a gift, and in order for us to steward those gifts to the best of our ability, we must
make choices each day that not only benefit us 30 years from now, but those choices declare to those
around us that we choose to take care of our bodies both by how we train and how we eat.
in my level of motivation to work out and eat well. But one thing is for sure, I am a better man today
because of this sport, than I was before. It has developed in me a dedication to a healthy lifestyle that I
never had before. All of this would not be possible if I did not develop consistency in my daily routine. I
believe that all lives are a gift, and in order for us to steward those gifts to the best of our ability, we must
make choices each day that not only benefit us 30 years from now, but those choices declare to those
around us that we choose to take care of our bodies both by how we train and how we eat.
The 21/90 Rule
It takes 21 days to create a habit. Habits can be both healthy and unhealthy. I have a habit of brushing
my teeth multiple times a day. For an extended point in my life, I had a habit of eating something sweet
after every dinner. We all have habits, whether they are conscious or subconscious. If you do something
with enough repetition, you can create those neurological pathways in your brain that cause actions to
become “normal.” I’m no scientist, but through 6 years of both doing and teaching CrossFit, I can spot
people who are going to be successful in the gym vs those who are just going through the motions and
won’t last long, just based on the first 3 weeks whether they show up consistently or not.
my teeth multiple times a day. For an extended point in my life, I had a habit of eating something sweet
after every dinner. We all have habits, whether they are conscious or subconscious. If you do something
with enough repetition, you can create those neurological pathways in your brain that cause actions to
become “normal.” I’m no scientist, but through 6 years of both doing and teaching CrossFit, I can spot
people who are going to be successful in the gym vs those who are just going through the motions and
won’t last long, just based on the first 3 weeks whether they show up consistently or not.
It takes 90 days to create a lifestyle. A lifestyle is something you do long term. I love to hear reasons
for why people do CrossFit. And ultimately, they all boil down to similar things. “How much weight
can I lose in a month?” Is a very common question I get. In an age where you can get instant
satisfaction. We desire the result without putting in the work. To get the results you want, you need to
put in the time to get that result. I want members in my gym that are dedicated to living a healthy
lifestyle. In order to create that healthy lifestyle, you need to do it for at least 90 days. See flowchart on
next page as a guideline to see where you may be in this journey.
for why people do CrossFit. And ultimately, they all boil down to similar things. “How much weight
can I lose in a month?” Is a very common question I get. In an age where you can get instant
satisfaction. We desire the result without putting in the work. To get the results you want, you need to
put in the time to get that result. I want members in my gym that are dedicated to living a healthy
lifestyle. In order to create that healthy lifestyle, you need to do it for at least 90 days. See flowchart on
next page as a guideline to see where you may be in this journey.
So what do I do? If you goal is to workout more, show up. Begin to create those weekly habits, and
commit to them for 21 days, then 90 days. If you want to lose/gain weight, just start doing it! There is
an endless list of “diets” out there: Weight Watchers, paleo, keto, vegan, vegetarian, low carb, high carb,
atkins, raw, gluten free, dairy free, etc... Which eating program is sustainable for you and your family?
Spending extra money each month on meals already portioned and prepped for you might work, others
need a more budget friendly option. Some have the time to cook, others have no time throughout the
week. I’m sure many of you guys tried different workout programs before you started CrossFit, in the s
ame way, try different eating programs. I was not eating enough throughout the week, and since have
started meal planning each Sunday so that I have enough food in the fridge for the week. I can’t answer
which plan works for you, that is something you will have to figure out on your own. Whatever you do,
make it sustainable, and do it with the 21/90 rule in mind.
commit to them for 21 days, then 90 days. If you want to lose/gain weight, just start doing it! There is
an endless list of “diets” out there: Weight Watchers, paleo, keto, vegan, vegetarian, low carb, high carb,
atkins, raw, gluten free, dairy free, etc... Which eating program is sustainable for you and your family?
Spending extra money each month on meals already portioned and prepped for you might work, others
need a more budget friendly option. Some have the time to cook, others have no time throughout the
week. I’m sure many of you guys tried different workout programs before you started CrossFit, in the s
ame way, try different eating programs. I was not eating enough throughout the week, and since have
started meal planning each Sunday so that I have enough food in the fridge for the week. I can’t answer
which plan works for you, that is something you will have to figure out on your own. Whatever you do,
make it sustainable, and do it with the 21/90 rule in mind.
You can’t out-train a bad diet. The foundation of your success is in your nutrition. Consistency in how
you eat contributes to 80% of your outcome. I’ve heard it many times before, “I do CrossFit so I can eat
whatever I want.” That may work for you, but what if you get injured? What if for some reason you can
no longer do CrossFit? Let’s work on building a healthy lifestyle, both in how we train, and how we eat.
you eat contributes to 80% of your outcome. I’ve heard it many times before, “I do CrossFit so I can eat
whatever I want.” That may work for you, but what if you get injured? What if for some reason you can
no longer do CrossFit? Let’s work on building a healthy lifestyle, both in how we train, and how we eat.
”I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
-William Ernest Henley
Here are some resources for eating that are highly recommended:
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